Archbishop’s Message for the Jubilee Year
Archbishop Bernard Longley is inviting everyone to participate in the Jubilee Year 2025. In this short video, recorded at Archbishop’s House, His Grace introduces the Jubilee Year, 'Pilgrims of Hope'. The Jubilee Year began with the opening of the Holy Door in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, on Christmas Eve, and runs until the Feast of Epiphany 2026. Archbishop Bernard celebrated Mass for the Solemn Opening of the Year in our Archdiocese at St Chad’s Cathedral on Sunday 29 December. Seven Jubilee churches/sites have been chosen in our Archdiocese as particular places of pilgrimage for 2025 and visitors are encouraged.
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Receiving the sacred relic of St. Anthony of Padua from St. Anthony's Basilica, Padua, ITALY.
8th November 2024
You may have heard that MPs will vote before Christmas on an extreme Bill that, if successful, will legalise assisted suicide. This Bill is the most serious threat to vulnerable lives since the Abortion Act was introduced in 1967. It’s now crucial that all MPs and the Government urgently see that there is a large number of voters in each constituency who don’t want this dangerous and extreme change to our laws - changes that would put the vulnerable at risk and see the ending of many lives through assisted suicide.
You can make a difference right now by contacting your MP to ask them to stop assisted suicide from being rushed into law. It only takes 30 seconds using our easy-to-use tool:
A Joint Statement by Senior West Midlands Church Leaders, including Archbishop Bernard Longley, has been issued ahead of the General Election on Thursday 4 July.
21 senior leaders of Churches based in and around the West Midlands have signed the statement.
In the statement, the Church leaders acknowledge the sacrifice involved for all who offer themselves for election to public office. They encourage each Parliamentary candidate to commit to work to eradicate systemic poverty, to build an immigration system that operates with compassion, justice, transparency and speed in its decision-making, and to support efforts to create an environmentally sustainable future.
Through the Desert God Leads us to Freedom
The attached document is the full text of the Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 57th World Day of Peace, held on 1 January 2024.
The theme is 'Artificial Intelligence and Peace'.
At the beginning of the New Year, a time of grace which the Lord gives to each one of us, I would like to address God’s People, the various nations, heads of state and government, the leaders of the different religions and civil society, and all the men and women of our time, in order to offer my fervent good wishes for peace.
Message of the Holy Father for the 57th World Day of Peace, Monday 1 January 2024
Peace Sunday 2024 is Sunday 14 January and the theme chosen by Pope Francis is ‘Artificial Intelligence and Peace’. Pax Christi have produced a series of resources to mark the day.
For his theme for the World Day of Peace in 2024, Pope Francis has chosen ‘Artificial Intelligence and Peace’. Whilst this might seem a strangely technical theme, we know that we do need to think about the consequences of the advances in AI for peace and justice.
A new ‘Pause for Prayer’ video resource has been launched to accompany all on the Year of Prayer journey.
The monthly video reflection is hosted by assistant priest Fr. Toby Duckworth, who serves in the parishes of St Dunstan, Kings Heath and St Jude, Maypole. Fr. Toby is also the newly appointed Diocesan Spirituality Contact.
In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year, 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis.
Fr. Rob Taylerson, a Diocesan Priest and Spiritual Director at St Mary’s College, Oscott, has produced a new guide to accompany the Year of Prayer journey.
‘Pope Francis’ Catechesis on Prayer, arranged for each liturgical week’ can be used from this Advent, which marks the start of the Year of Prayer.
Click here for new guide to accompany the Year of Prayer journey.
The Jubilee Year (taken from Vatican News)
Following the extraordinary 2015 Holy Year of Mercy instigated by Pope Francis, the forthcoming Jubilee will take place in line with the norm of leaving a 25-year gap between each one. The most recent ordinary jubilee took place in the year 2000, as the world and the Catholic Church prepared to enter the new millennium.
The Jubilee Year is a special year of grace, in which the Church offers the faithful the possibility of obtaining a plenary indulgence. Traditionally, it begins just before Christmas and ends on the Epiphany of the following year.
The Pope inaugurates the Holy Year with the rite of the opening of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica. After that, the Holy Doors of the other papal basilicas – St John Lateran, St Paul Outside the Walls, and St Mary Major – are opened and remain so until the end of the Jubilee Year.
Pope’s Communications Message 2023
How to celebrate Halloween?
As we approach Halloween and All Saints Day, you might find this video useful when planning what to do next week.
The Letter is a ground breaking new film by the Laudato Si' Movement, which premiered at the Vatican this month.
On October 4, the Feast of St Francis, YouTube Originals released the grand documentary film, The Letter, telling the story of the Laudato Si’ encyclical letter and how the climate crisis is strongly affecting the Earth and all those who inhabit it.
It brings Pope Francis' vision of integral ecology to life, finding new hope together.
Season of Creation
We wish to encourage all our Catholic family - parishes, schools, communities and individuals to join in prayer to mark the Season of Creation from 1 September to 4 October - the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.
The theme for this year is 'Listen to the Voice of Creation'. This year's symbol is the burning bush.
Parish Census 2022.
Passiontide falls during the last two weeks of Lent and the images are covered in strict preparation for the Triduum,
which consists of three days: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil.
Covering crosses, statues and images or "veiling" with unadorned violet opaque cloths is an older custom of the Church that remains an option even to this day. The exact era it began no one is sure, but the origins seem to come from a medieval tradition of the "hunger cloth" which was a huge violet cloth hung in front of the altar to keep the congregation from viewing the altar. Originally Lent was a time that public sinners were "banished" from the church and had to do a public display of penance. Over time the understanding that everyone is a sinner prevailed and sinners were no longer restricted from the liturgy in church, but the hunger cloth gave all attending a "fast of the eyes." The cloths over time changed to smaller sizes and with more decorations.

Prior to Vatican II the editors of the Schott Missal saw the veiling of crosses and so on as intended "to remind us of the Redeemer's humiliation and thus to imprint the image of the crucified Christ more deeply on our hearts." In other cultures, the covering of images is seen more like shrouding, as in a death shroud.
Keep Britain Tidy Spring Clean campaign 2022.
25th March marked the start of Keep Britain Tidy Spring Clean campaign, and as a local community we do our bit.
This campaign runs for 2 weeks and has been happening for 7 years.
St. Anthonys RC academy have pledged to collect 315 bags of waste from the local community over this two week period with their eco-warriors starting this off on Friday 25th. Students and families attending the school have been asked to contribute to this by collecting a bag if they can.
The litter picking group organised by Cerys Hard did it’s monthly litterpick on Sunday 27th March at 11am meeting outside St. Anthonys church. Supported by members of the church and wider community this was the 3rd litter pick this year with monthly litter picks planned on the last Sunday of each month. So far 36 bags of rubbish have been collected from streets of Fordhouses.
So come join the campaign and litter pick now and on the last Sunday each month after 10am Mass to help keep our local community tidy, perhaps make a friend and maybe enjoy the lovely spring weather.
Cerys is in the middle of writing for the free Fordhouses and Oxley magazine who have agreed to put a little article in for free.
Kelly Hard - Cerys mother
Season of Lent .
Lent is traditionally a 40-day fast — a reference to the time Jesus spent being tempted in the desert.
It is a time when we can prepare our hearts for the solemn remembrance of Jesus’ death.
It concludes and is followed by the Easter Sunday celebration of the resurrection of Christ.
The six-week period (excluding Sundays) is dedicated to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for the great celebration of Christ’s Paschal Mystery in the Easter Triduum.
The Month of February
The month of February is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Family. February falls during the liturgical season known as Ordinary Time which is represented by the liturgical colour green. Green, the symbol of hope, is the colour of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven.
Though the shortest month of the year, February is rich in Liturgical activity. It contains a feast Presentation of our Lord that bridges the seasons Christmas and Easter.
The Solemnity of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd harkens back to the Christmas mystery of Light except
that now, Christ, the helpless babe, is “the Light of Revelation to the Gentiles who will save his people from their sins.”
Candles, symbolising Christ our Light, will be carried in procession this day, as will be the Paschal candle during the Easter Vigil Liturgy .
Latest guidance regarding Covid-19 as of 27 January 2022
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Guidance for collecting contact details of those who come to church for NHS track and trace.
November is the month when we remember those who have died.
Video Sound Recording Text Version
CAFOD service at St. Anthony’s, prior to COP26.
Pastoral Letter of the Most Reverend Bernard Longley Archbishop of Birmingham for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 16/17 October 2021
March 2021
June 2021 July 2021 August 2021
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This Guidance is offered to the Dioceses of England and Wales as the country moves into Step 4 of the Government's Covid-19 Response Roadmap. This comes into effect on Monday, 19 July 2021.
This Guidance is offered to the Dioceses of England and Wales as the country moves into Step 4 (19 July) of the Government Covid-19 Response Roadmap published in February 2021. This date has been delayed by five weeks as the Government wanted to ensure that a greater proportion of the public had received the vaccine before moving to this point.
It is important to reiterate that as Step 4 is reached, the general principles of continuing to create a safe environment in places of worship and their ancillary buildings are not abandoned. Indeed, the way forward must be a collective endeavour of all involved in the daily life of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Recognition of the presence of the virus in the population means that certain preventative practices will still be required, and this is important to ensure that Diocesan trustees are seen to be discharging their Health and Safety duties.
Email sent on behalf of Fr Michael Glover.
Dear Father,
As part of the Diocesan Vision - Unfolding God’s Plan, the Evangelisation sub group would like to invite you to host ‘Something Greater’ which takes place on Thursday 8 July.
This event will help parishes extend a hand of friendship to their local community. This online gathering will include a welcome, a short film and a personal invitation to come to church.
For full details of text received click here.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
If you would like to be part of this program please kindly indicate to me with your email address and i will get you on board. Thanks
God bless
Fr Julius-Simomia
Pope appoints English Archbishop as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship
Archbishop Arthur Roche
Route Map: Step 3 Guidance
Revised Guidance from the Bishops’ Conference relating to what is permitted
as from the 17th May
Pastoral Letter of the Most Reverend Bernard Longley Archbishop of Birmingham for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 12/13 June 2021
In response to the Holy Father's heartfelt wish, the month of May will be dedicated to a "marathon" of prayer, to ask for the end of the pandemic, which has afflicted the world for more than a year now, and to ask for the resumption of social and work activities. Pope Francis wishes to involve all the Shrines around the world in this initiative, so that they may become vehicles of the prayer of the entire Church, The initiative is being conducted in the light of the biblical expression:
Archbishop Bernard Longley gives his Easter Message outside Archbishop's House in Birmingham
Cardinal Vincent Nichols
In caring for the world, we care for each other.
Thy Kingdom Come
Cardinal's Homily for Mass in the Night, Christmas 2020
Christmas Message from Archbishop Bernard Longley
17 Dec 2020
Dear Fathers/Dear Deacons
I am sending you the attached Statement issued last night by Cardinal Vincent and Archbishop Malcolm McMahon on behalf of all the Bishops of England and Wales. Please share this with your parishioners. If you are able to do so, you may consider emailing your MP before the matter is discussed tomorrow in Parliament.
Every blessing for the Solemnity of All Saints and for tomorrow’s Commemoration of All Souls. With my prayers and kindest wishes.
Yours devotedly in Christ
Bernard Longley
Archbishop of Birmingham
Pope Francis publishes third encyclical letter.
Fratelli Tutti is the title Pope Francis has chosen for his encyclical letter dedicated to "human fraternity" and "social friendship". It was published on Sunday 4 October.
(In English, it can be read as ‘All Brothers’, ‘Brethren all’ or ‘Brothers and sisters all’.
The first words of the new ‘circular letter’, or encyclical as we know it, come from St Francis of Assisi.)
Live streaming of Weekday Masses at
St Chad’s Cathedral
St Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
41 Bee Lane, Wolverhampton, WV10 6LE, UNITED KINGDOM
01902 782144