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News from the School

We are asking if any members of the Parish are available to join a local litter pick on Tuesday 4th March at 3:30pm. 

For full details see poster in Church or click here.

Perpetual Novena of St Anthony of Padua

Perpetual Novena of St Anthony of Padua will take place every Tuesday morning here in St Anthony’s church. 9.30 am Silent Adoration followed by 10 am Holy Mass—Novena


* Please note that weekday Masses are now being held in the Church. 

Mass times

Saturday: (for Sunday)   6:00 pm

Sunday:                                10:00 am   

Holy days:                    9:30 am and 7:00 pm


Monday            10thSFebSPNo Mass*

Tuesday            11thSFebSP10:00SMass+Novena*

Wednesday    12thSFebSP10:00SMass*

Thursday          13thSFebSP10:00SMass*

Friday                 14thSFebSP10:00SMass*

Saturday           15thSFebSP10:00SMass*Malayalam

   (check weekly newsletter for details).

Donations of gifts for a Summer Tombola

are still needed and can be put in the box in the Church Porch.  

* Please note that weekday Masses are now being held in the Chapel in the Presbytery.

Entrance via the front door of the house.


The next Fareshare at St. Anthony's is Wednesday 8th May 2024 at

The next Fareshare at St. Anthony's is Wednesday 5th June2024 at

The next Fareshare at St. Anthony's is Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at

The Jubilee Year is a special year of grace, in which the Church offers the faithful the possibility of obtaining a plenary indulgence.

Traditionally, it begins just before Christmas and ends on the Epiphany of the following year.

For full details click here

November - The month of the Holy Souls.

In a few weeks time we will be entering into November, the month of the Holy Souls. In church there will be a small box near the Altar in which you can place the names of your beloved dead. Please do not put any money in this box. At the end of the month the names will be burnt. If you would like a Mass for the Holy Souls, then please fill an envelope out in the usually manner.

Book Sale

The sale will take place on the weekend of November 11th and 12th. We would be grateful to receive in  particular any children’s books in good condition.



A Look ahead to the Season of Creation. How can you help your parish/community to celebrate? Begin to make plans. Go to for ideas. The Catholic 

Bishops’ Conference provides more information on the Season of Creation and this year’s theme here: Season of Creation - Catholic Bishops' Conference ( You can view the newsletters and other resources on our website, here: Resources to help us Care for Creation | Birmingham Diocesan Trust (

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We welcome all visitors to our Church and website.

We also welcome our new Parish Priest Fr. Gary Mantle and hope that with his help we can continue to rebuild our Parish Community.


Saturday  Evening     
5:15 pm - 5:45 pm or by arrangement

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

5:15pm - 5:45pm                  Not Available

Catholic Instruction:

Each Saturday in the Sacristy, commencing at 10.30 and for 90 minutes duration.

Please pray for those exploring the Catholic Faith.

Special Reminder

      The next Fareshare is Wednesday 13th December 2023 at

St Anthony’s Diamond Jubilee

In June 2020, St Anthony’s School celebrated its Diamond Jubilee (60 years). We are looking or any historical images or memories that past pupils would be prepared to share (they must have permission from others involved in the pictures for us to be able to use them.). 

To achieve this, we need your help. Please share this with anyone you know who has been part of the St Anthony’s school community over the years - we would love to hear their stories .

The celebration was to take place during the Autumn term 2020, but due to COVID-19 a new date is to be arranged.


Book Sale:

A Book Sale will be held after Masses on July 29th and 30th. Any books in good condition (especially children’s books) will be gratefully received any time before that weekend. Boxes will be in the Church Porch for donations to the event. 

Check-up on Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals, Masses and Social events and their times in case they have changed from the weekly newsletter.

Coming Soon

“Every Ticket Wins”:

Have you any Unwanted Good Quality Gifts, Bottles of Wine, Spirits, etc? If so, you are invited to donate them to a Fund Raising Event, “Every Ticket Wins”, which will take place after masses on 17th and 18th December.

Bring your gifts and donations into Church over the next few weeks and pop them into the box in the porch area. 

The Good Shepherd Ministry

in Wolverhampton.

Archbishop Bernard will be celebrating a Thanksgiving Mass for the 50th Anniversary of the Brothers commencing their work in Wolverhampton.

Two special services of celebration will take place later this year to mark the 50th anniversary of the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd first arriving in Wolverhampton.

It was back in Christmas, 1972, that the Little Brothers first arrived to start helping people who were homeless or vulnerable, opening up on Thornley Street before moving to another premises in the same area and then to Darlington Street Methodist Church.

At the start of 2020 the Good Shepherd moved to its current home at 63 Waterloo Road and, while the locations and identity of staff and volunteers might have changed, the ethos of offering care, compassion and hospitality has always stayed the same.

So towards the end of this year, this Golden milestone will be celebrated with two special services of thanksgiving within the city.

At 2pm on Thursday December 15th, St Peter’s will host the service for people of all faiths and of no faith, to mark half a century of service to the city from the Good Shepherd. Again, refreshments will be provided afterwards.

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